Pool Cleaning Supplies

Pool Cleaning Supplies


Owning a swimming pool means taking care to have the pool cleaning supplies on hand that you need to keep your swimming pool sparkling clean and safe.

Pool Cleaning Supplies and Protection

Protect your family and guests from summer swimming environmental hazards like pH imbalance, algae build up, leaves, bugs and other environmental detritus. The right cleaning supplies and habits can keep your pool blue, cool and fun all summer long.

Automatic Pool Vacuum


This automatic or robotic pool vacuum runs all by itself, swishing through the pool on a regular rotation to clean scum, algae and other detritus from the bottom and sides of the pool. The tubing also helps to keep the water filtrated and clean while the bagging attached can capture random detritus such as leaves, bug bodies, rocks and other miscellaneous hazards.

Manual Pool Vacuum


This manual pool vacuum is attached to a long pole that you can use to push it around the bottoms and sides. Regular upkeep of your pool may mean pulling out this manual pool vacuum two to three times a week for casual swimming and everyday for a heavy use pool.

Hiring a Service


You may hire a service to come out and regularly maintenance your pool for the deep cleaning chores on a weekly or bi-weekly basis. Pool cleaning services, however, cannot handle the day to day cleaning, sifting of leaves from the surface of the pool and more. You should also be familiar enough with basic water testing and cleaning so that you can maintain a safe experience.

Regular Spot Checks


It is important to do regular spot checks of your swimming pool everyday whether you swim in it heavily or casually. Check ups each day should include water testing, debris presence, water level and general color of the pool.

Water Testing Kits


A pH testing kit and an understanding of the test is vital for every pool owner's pool cleaning supplies. The pH of the water can be affected by weather changes such as rain, biological accidents in the pool and a lack of regular cleaning, faulty filtration or not enough chlorine in the water. The more unstable the pH levels become, the more problems you may develop not only in your pool, but in your own health.

Things to Remember


Each year prior to opening your pool to use, have a maintenance visit with an expert to ensure that your filtration and water pumps are working optimally. Check the sides of the pool for erosion and check all your pool cleaning supplies, including your hoses, water testing kits, chlorine kits and more.

Be Vigilant


First time pool owners may be overwhelmed by the number of tasks associated with keeping your swimming pool clean, safe and fun. But a little vigilance and a well kept supply of pool cleaning materials and equipment can make your summer at the pool side a relaxing and fun experience with just a little bit of work.

Learn more about pool cleaning with the Dolphin Automatic Pool Cleaner.

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Pool Cleaning Supplies